Quickreviews: Realworld

By Maxi |

realworld - version: XXX

What are you then?

realworld will provide you with a pretty big application and how it is implemented on different stacks. this repository is pretty useful in case you want to dive deep into how different could be implement the same "big" application in different frontend/backend stacks.

How does it work?

Multiple contributors build exactly the same application with different sort of libraries.

Now quickreview!

Of course one of the applications is more than what I can review in 30 minutes, so I am going to judge just the repository and not a particular one.

I can already say that even exactly the same application could be implemented in a different way with the same tool so depending on how experienced the author is, the implementation is going to have certain level of quality.

The better part is the community that forms around it in which you can freely ask question and discuss about the current implementations.


Its nice to have a better alternative to TodoMVC. At the same time I feel both repos have their own problems and each of them could be useful for different scenarios. In this case I'd keep an eye on this repo in case I need to check a more complex implementation of a new framework or library that I don't know.

Especially with time I think this could add a different value which lacks on TodoMVC.

Scores (higher is better)

  • Usefulness: 7/10.
  • Code quality: x/10.
  • Documentation: 8/10.
  • Browser support: 9/10.
  • Potential: 9/10.

Overall: 8.25/10

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